Thanks for joining me! My name is Palmer and I am a graphic designer born and raised in Washington.
For as long as I can remember I have loved art. But not in the way that a 7 years old says “this is what I am gonna be when I grow up mom”. Even at 12, or 14, or 16, I thought I would become a Veterinarian or a Nutritionist or maybe even an Olympic Hurdler – yes some dreams were a little bit exorbitant – whatever had stolen my interest at the time, but through it all my love for art never faded.
I had no thought of become a Graphic Designer until much later. It wasn’t until I realized that I could create art AND make money doing it that I was completely sold. I decided that I would go to school for Graphic Design with lots of apprehension because ironically, I am the furthest from tech savvy anyone can be. Even with the knowledge that I was diving head first into something that I did not understand in the least, I was excited to learn and grow.
A few years later I emerged from Central Washing University with a BFA in Graphic Design. Since then, my life has been a steady cruise. After graduating I got to work at a sign company and learned so much about the sign industry, developing my knowledge and skill in print design and getting to work one on one with clients who wanted more for their businesses. I especially loved creating logos and branding for people and seeing their vision come to life, which continues to inspire me today.
Although I loved my sign shop family, I felt like there was not much left to experience in my home town and so, in 3 weeks I made the decision to pack as much as I could in my car and move down to Phoenix, AZ to see what all the hype was about. I have been here since April, getting settled, meeting new people, developing new hobbies(I am thoroughly shocked by how much there is to do here AT ALL TIMES) and making new friends. I’ve been cruising through the months and enjoying the beautiful warm weather -even though it almost BROKE me over the summer-finally, that pesky little itch for something more has returned once again. Not to pick up and move states, just to DO with purpose. And so I find myself here, with you, hoping to create something fantastic and endearing, something that inspires me to be more than I am now.
Through my growing and changing and loving and creating, I want to share it all with YOU. So again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for buckling in for this ride.
Love ya!